- Products
- Control Valves
- Series 7562 3 Way

Series 7562 3 Way
control valve
Three ways pneumatic control valve especially designed for a wide range of fluids like water, thermal oil, etc… These pneumatic valves offer an optimized and modular solution for industrial process.
Flanges SIZES: 1/2” to 12”
Material: Carbon Steel 1.0619 – A 216 WCB/WCC Stainless steel 1.4408 – A 351 CF8M Cast iron JL1040 / EN GJL 250 Cast iron 5.3105 / EN GJS 400-18
Flanges: ASME Class 150 and 300 Design ANSI B16-34
Perforated plug (LIN): Kvs 3.9 à 1450.
Temperature range: - 60°C à + 400°C
Packing: PTFE/Graphite.
- Flanges with grooves
- Soft seal plug
- Third way facing
- High temperature Extension
- Graphite packing
- Stainless steel bellows
- Made atLeslie
- Available asLeslie